New Elevator Cars

The newly refurbished elevator car’s look great! Nice work Board. We just hope that the renovations are mechanical as well as cosmetic. The elevator’s in the G Building have been awful the last few months. The middle car was out of service for several weeks as part after part needed to be ordered. We also hope that we have changed the service company that maintains our elevators. The one who was doing it was clearly not capable or didn’t care to keep our elevators running!car2 car3

Thanks to everyone

Thanks to those of you who took the time to let us know that you like reading this blog. I also appreciate the comments that the content needs to be updated more frequently. Although I have done quite a bit of marketing (left info at every apartment in EMP and posted notices in the laundry rooms), it appears there are only a handful of people reading the blog. Does anyone have any ideas how to get more of the now-apathetic EMP cooperators to sign up and check in? You guys are invited to and welcome to post as well.

With all the things going on at EMP, I would think that an open forum would be timely and  more welcome.


Let’s vote again

In 2 separate elections, a very large minority (2/3 of the apartments less 1) has mandated the board to pursue privatization. the 1/3 includes empty apartments and presumed illegal sublets thus leaving way a very small minority who are opposed to privatization. The Mitchell Lama program cleverly gives us the right to leave the program.The reason buildings were allowed to leave ML is because the framers of the ML law realized that after decades, these building will need expensive repairs.

The harsh reality is the state and city governments are facing budget crises. There is not going to be the public monies to help us pay for repairs that the politicians who came to the anti’s aid promised. In order to make needed repairs (plaza reconstruction, elevator modernization, garage, plumbing, etc.) that we have put off way too long, major assessments will be required. The plaza alone could result in a $500 – $1,000 monthly assessment on top of the current window assessment. Going private would pay for these repairs.

I say let’s vote again. A new Black Book would only need to be modified, not re-done from scratch.



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This blog site is operated by an independent East Midtown Plaza co-operator. It is not associated in any way with East Midtown Plaza Housing Cooperative, Cooper Square Realty or the East Midtown Plaza Board of Directors.

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Lyric Diner closes

Our favorite local diner, the Lyric Diner (3rd Avenue and 22 Street) closes. The signs say ‘Closed for Renovation’ but  they have been up for months with no work being performed. We will surely miss the Meat Loaf plate.


kips bay

lyric diner